
Friday, December 16, 2016

At customer request, I have began the making of a WWII OSS-SOE Tire Slasher ring. Im sure youve seen these before if youre a fan of the genre. They came is various shapes and sizes. Some were rings, and some were coins with curved blades riveted to them.
Heres my Ring Tire Slasher. Let me know what you think. Its CPMD2 and has a blade thats a little over 1.150" Long... and an OAL of 2.36"... and .125" (1/8") thick. Small, concealable, easy to use. Now, Im going to make a small leather neck sheath for it that makes the blade point down, with a snap that goes thru the ring... but thats just if it needs to be deployed.
However, this RTS(Ring Tire Slasher) is going to become part of a kit, a special kit. 😎
Take a look...

Im not sure yet if I will make a coin version tire slasher. The coin version was obviously meant for covert work, and would likely be overlooked in a simple search. "Oh its just some change in his pocket". But it would of course be mixed in with other change. However, after much deliberation with my friend and owner of we decided that the ring tire slashers were much more useful (and "safer") than the coin version. We determined it was likely that the coin version was meant as a last ditch, final option if another blade or ringed tire slasher wasnt available to permanently take out the thin sidewalled rubber tires on an enemy vehicle. And while cool looking, we havent found a WWII example that had a lock mech. (Although there are PLENTY now that do have locks and work just fine.) So it was likely that the ringed version was preferred over the coin version. Yet both were often included in the OSS/SOE Instructors Blade Kits. So Im not sure if I should do it on not. 😵

Anyways, Im thinking of making the modern version of this kit... or possibly an even bigger one. We'll see.
Thanks for looking and reading sbout my crazy dive into the world of WWII Edged Weaponry.


  1. I say YES. That would be cool. Only as my friend at Fairbain Knives is want to say, in this and all your endeavors the leather and steel must be dealt with circumspection and lethal TLC. Happy Hunting!

  2. Thanks man. I appreciate your kind words.
